There are several ways to support the work and mission of Christ Church St Lucia.

Donations help our parish remain financially robust.
Donate online today or setup a regular donation through Parishdirect.


BSB: 704-901
Account number: 00000440
Account name: Christ Church St Lucia


Each of us finds different ways to make our mark on the world.  One way of doing this is by making a bequest. 
When you make a bequest to the Church, you give a gift that lasts longer than your lifetime,
a gift that will always be remembered.

Bequest Will Clause for St Lucia Anglican Parish

“I give and bequeath the sum of $…… (or the rest and residue of my estate) to The Corporation of The Synod of The Diocese of Brisbane for the general charitable and religious purposes of the Anglican Parish of St Lucia, and the receipt of the Diocesan General Manager shall be a sufficient discharge to my executor or trustee.”

Click here for more information on leaving a bequest.